Miraculous Every Day
Jan 04, 2021 12:00 PM
Kennedy Leighton
Miraculous Every Day

Storyteller of Grace

Even as a young child Kennedy knew that everyone she met had a story, thanks to her wonderful mother. She was taught to love others fearlessly, to choose kindness, and through experience, that life is very precious

Miraculous Every Day will challenge you to create habits in your life that will help you become everything you’ve ever dreamed of being. Kennedy believes the most successful people in life follow a routine and a set of daily practices. This journal will challenge you to practice mindfulness, self-reflect, to read, and journal, for the next 21 days. In a world where we all are desensitized to true connection and the beauty of now, it’s time we reconnect with the miracles God presents within our lives every single day. This book will encourage you to be bold, take chances, express yourself, to become bold in who you are and how you love not only others but yourself.