February 24, 2020 Meeting Bulletin
Birmingham Rotary Weekly Meeting
February 24, 2020
● Welcome by President at 12:15pm
● Pledge of Allegiance
● 4-Way Test recited by all members
● Song: America the Beautiful
● Weekly Invocation/Inspiration: Chirs McLogan
● Guests: Judy Martin, Judy Powers- Magnolia By the Lakes Marketing Director
● Birthdays:
● Volunteers:
○ Lunch tickets: Mark Cooper
○ Raffle Tickets: Dan Ryan
○ Greeter: John Mucha
○ Invocation/Inspiration: Chris McLogan
○ Sheriff: Chris Winans
○ Bulletin Editor: Amanda Anderson
○ 2-minute Update: Saved for Later- Bryan Frank
○ Host to speaker: Paul Toepp
● Membership Minute: Linda Hatfield
● Literacy Update: Paul Toepp/ John Mucha (need readers Wednesday at
Owens Elementary from 9:30 to 10:30am
● Social Committee: Report on Third Thursday. At Flemings- new members
● Masters Madness Gala Planning Committee Meeting: (Gala March 27)
● Hope Warming Center: March 17 sign up sheet Bill Roy--FULL
● BBCC Member Coffee at Baldwin Library Rotary Rom on 2/27 at 8am (sign up: Doug
● District All Club Grant Seminar: Feb. 29 (sat) 10am - 2PM at Concordia Univ.- Joe
● District Conference in Chatham: May 8-9: new member subsidized
● Publishing of BRC draft Strategic Plan- Visionary plan for B-ham Rotary was done by
Marsha and Chris.
● Raffle Card Drawing: Dan Ryan-- Judy Powers won and donated back!
● Sheriff: Chris Winans
● Speaker/Host to Speaker:Paul Toepp
○ Speaker: Miche Lame: Family Emotional Dysfunction- By 7 years old, genes and
environmental factors solidify personality unless trauma happens but
family traits can be reversed by actively bringing awareness to and deciding against the
behavior. Mental health can be compared to chronic health diseases so the goal is to
destigmatize mental health issues and provide resources for helping to rework thoughts that
inhibit growth and healing.
● Thank you - Connect the World